Competitive Eating Bio
Crazy Legs is a top-ranked eater with Major League Eating. He holds world records in buffet food, French cut string beans, and corn on the cob. He has eaten his way out of an eight-foot box of popcorn, The Popcorn Sarcophagus, earning him the moniker the Houdini of Cuisini. He has eaten hot dogs while riding on top of a moving car on The Wonder Wheel. He has eaten 459 oysters on David Letterman (Letterman ate three), quaffed hot sauce on Emeril, and consumed cannoli on “The Sopranos.” He is the subject of the popular documentary, “Crazy Legs Conti: Zen and the Art of Competitive Eating,” (co-directed by Chris Kenneally and Danielle Franco). He has been to Guantanamo Bay to eat hot dogs with the sailor-soldiers and Alaska to conquer fifty pound cabbages and reindeer sausage.
World Records / MLE page links
Competitive Eating writing
Food Stuntman
Crazy Legs Conti has risked death, injury, and major stomach aches as a food stuntman. He was buried alive under 80 cubic feat of popcorn and ate his way to survival. He, dressed in a Sky Suit, ate hot dogs while sitting on top a The Wonder Wheel car as it revolved 150 feet in the air, risking decapitation and heartburn due to swinging cars.
(Photos of both in this section)
Topic Magazine: “Stuff Your Face” an 8000 word essay on Sonya “The Black Widow” Thomas
Icons Magazine – “Takeru Kobayashi” by Crazy Legs Conti
The Experts’ Guide to Doing Things Faster – Essay on how to cure a stomach ache.